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Judith Woolf Accupuncture


My practice offers individualized quality treatments for each patient. No two people are exactly alike, and no two treatment protocols should be
exactly alike either.

Chinese Medicine is a holistic medicine, which means all aspects of the person are treated: the physical, emotional, and the spiritual. Whether you suffer from back pain, injuries, or you want to lower your anxiety, learn how acupuncture can make a difference in your life.

My childhood was steeped in western medicine, as I was the daughter of a doctor and nurse. However, I always felt that there must be different ways of looking at an issue, and possibilities for those that Western Medicine could not help. My quest to find a more holistic form of medicine eventually led me to acupuncture. While my path to helping others turned East, I am grateful to my parents for instilling in me the desire to help others. It is a tradition that I am proud to carry on in my practice today
